Tuesday, August 27, 2013


New Chevy Cruze beats $4 Billion Subsidized Chevy Volt in Fuel Economy.

Chevy surprisingly quiet about the new clean diesel version of its flagship Cruze.

2014 Chevrolet Cruze     

2014 Chevrolet Volt
Diesel Vehicle
Plug-in Hybrid
2.0 L, 4 cyl, Automatic (S6) 1.4 L, 4 cyl, Automatic (variable gear ratios)
MSRP: $17,170 - $24,885      

Additional Information
2014 Chevrolet Cruze 2014 Chevrolet Volt
EPA Fuel Economy
  Miles per Gallon
27 City
46 Highway
                 Premium Gasoline
                  35                          City
                  40                        Highway

Benghazi Investigation Team Withdrawn - Mission Accomplished

President's Obama's vehement promise to bring the Benghazi terrorists to justice has relied on a special team sent there to identify and perhaps apprehend those responsible.

Almost a year later, a sealed indictment now exists. The contents are secret. Nobody is in custody. Mission accomplished. Political cover achieved, the Obama friendly media will drop it all. Bring the team home from Libya.


Friday, August 16, 2013

CNN's Erin Burnett Asks New Questions About Benghazi.

One Obama administration cover up confirmed another possibly being revealed.

There is no doubt now that the Obama administration tried to make the attack on our embassy in Benghazi look like an outraged mob instead of a well armed and coordinated assault by an Al Queda affiliate. That coverup has been revealed conclusively.

The question is why did they lie so brazenly. Was it simply to avoid the appearance that the candidate Obama had failed to destroy Al Queda?

In Congressional hearings in May, we heard how a military response was blocked by unnamed higher ups in the administration. We also heard that the embassy was not even retaken for some days afterwards. The loss of an embassy, without an armed response, without a hasty retaking of the facility seems incredibly divergent from normal US operating procedure.

Days after the attack and when he was forced to confront the truth, the President talked boldly of bringing the perpetrators to justice. That was nearly a year ago. Nothing has been done.

CNN's Erin Burnett did an hour special August 6th on what happened, how has Obama followed up on his pledge and what the families of the dead feel about it?


Oh and and Erin reported what others are now talking about. While our lonely outpost in Benghazi was being overrun, 3 dozen odd CIA agents were in the city doing something. 3 dozen is a lot. What they were doing is still open to speculation but some are saying they were sanitizing a Hillary Clinton Department of State disaster. This story is secret and people who have knowledge of it are being silenced.

Did CNN just open up an investigation into the second part of Benghazigate? Why was Chris Stevens in Benghazi when all the other western missions were withdrawing because of the danger? Why did the Obama administration try to cover up and lie about the nature of the attack. Why were 35 CIA agents in Benghazi and why have they been silenced?


"I want people around the world to hear me: To all those who would do us harm, no act of terror will go unpunished. It will not dim the light of the values that we proudly present to the rest of the world. No act of violence shakes the resolve of the United States of America," he vowed.    
                                                                                            President Barack Obama Sept 14, 2012

"We also believe that there is no justification at all for responding to this movie with violence. Muslims in the United States and around the world have spoken out against violence, which has no place in religion and is no way to honor religion," he said, adding that Islam respects the fundamental dignity of human beings, and it violates that dignity to wage attacks on innocents.
"It is especially wrong for violence to be directed against diplomatic missions. These, after all, are places whose very purpose is peaceful to promote better understanding across countries and cultures. Governments everywhere have a responsibility to protect these places," he observed.    
                                                                                             Press Secretary Jay Carney Sept 14, 1012